Thursday, February 7, 2008

Taxi for Mr. Romney

In a week that his been fairly quiet in UK politics, it's probably not been the best time to begin a political blog, but begin I will.

There has at least been a strong focus on the US elections following 'Super Tuesday'. This was compounded today by the news that Mitt Romney has decided to 'suspend' (i.e. abandon) his bid to become the Republican nominee in this year's presidential elections, thereby occasioning the sad loss of the candidate with the best name. Richard Adams at the Guardian predicts that John McCain will prove to be the Republican nominee, with Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times claiming that McCain is "the Republican most likely to win the November election". However, he still unearths concrete proof that Barack Obama is at present the most likely to enter the White House...

Relevant magazine, which caters to young evangelicals, asked its readers: “Who would Jesus vote for?” Mr. Obama was the winner.

Well that's that settled then.

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